Minoxidil: Is it an Effective Hair Loss Treatment?

Minoxidil hair loss treatmentIf you have noticed your hair beginning to recede you are not alone. For many men, this is part of the aging process and the beginning of hair loss. If you don’t want to wait for your hair to thin we can help you. We all want to look our best and thanks to science there are options to help those with inherited hair loss. Minoxidil is one option that has shown to be effective as part of a multi-therapeutic hair restoration treatment program.

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication for hair loss that is FDA approved. It is often found under the brand names of Rogaine or Theroxidil. You can get it in liquid or foam. The benefit of this product is that it is promoted to hair growth by expanding the blood vessels and potassium channels. It is believed that this will allow hair follicles to receive more nutrients which helps make hair stronger, thicker and healthier and more oxygen in the blood.

Will Minoxidil Help Regrow My Receding Hairline?

Minoxidil has not been shown to effectively or meaningfully restore hair loss from a receding hairline back to a full head of hair on it’s own. Some people say that they notice less hair loss after using the minoxidil and that their male pattern baldness appears to slow down and appear less severe. You are not able to really grow back hair in a large section of your scalp using Minoxidil alone. Furthermore, the effects of Minoxidil are apparent only so long as you continue to use it.

Minoxidil treatments also do not show immediate results. It can take four to six months to see any improvement. If you are impatient or are looking for hair loss treatment results more quickly, that wait can be difficult.

Proven Hair Restoration Solutions in McLean, Virginia

If you are looking for results more quickly there are solutions that can help with receding hairlines. At Grow Your Hair Back™ Medical Hair Restoration in McLean, Virginia, we offer a variety of clinically proven, state-of-the-art hair transplant solutions and clinically proven hair loss solutions for men and women. Schedule a free, confidential hair restoration consultation and we can discuss with you the solutions that are right for your type of hair loss.

McLean, Virginia Hair Transplantation Clinic

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