Hair Loss and Hair Transplants

mens hair restoration transplants arlington mclean vaHair loss is a devastating condition for many men and women, but it doesn’t have to be permanent thanks to recent advancements in medical hair transplant technology. To learn whether you’re a candidate for this treatment option, see below.

Male Pattern Baldness

Male-pattern baldness usually begins as hair thinning at the hairline. It may progress rapidly and cause thinning at the crown or top of the head. Over a short period of time, the hair will thin until all that remains is a thin strip of hair above the ears and neck. This is often referred to as the “horseshoe pattern.” Since this hair will continue to grow normally, it can effectively serve as the transplant hair for a medical hair transplant.

Hair falling out in patches, excessive shedding, and an irritated scalp are not signs of male-pattern baldness. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your hair loss specialist about different hair restoration options. Certain medical conditions such as poor nutrition, stress, and other factors could be contributing your hair loss.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female-pattern baldness isn’t as common as male-pattern baldness, but it can be treated similarly with medical hair transplant surgery. Females generally begin experiencing hair thinning around or directly following menopause. Unlike male-pattern baldness, which causes hair loss over large sections of the scalp, women don’t rapidly lose their hair. Instead, the hair slowly becomes thinner and thinner throughout the scalp. Despite the differences, the medical hair transplant procedure has proven to be successful with female-pattern baldness.

Grow Your Hair Back™ Hair Restoration Solutions in McLean, Virginia

If you’re looking for more information about medical hair transplants or are looking to explore the various hair loss treatment options available to you, we invite you to Request a free consultation with Grow Your Hair Back™ Medical Hair Restoration in McLean, Virginia, and to meet with a dedicated hair restoration specialist who will work personally with you to create a customized solution using the cutting-edge hair loss technology.

McLean, Virginia Hair Transplantation Clinic

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