Hair Restoration Educational Resources

Hair Loss Differences in Men and Women

Understanding Hair Loss in Men & Women

Understanding hair loss is the first step to doing something about it. Knowing and understanding they type and degree of your hair loss helps determine which hair loss treatment or hair restoration procedure will give you the best results. Hair loss affects men and women differently.  Here is a quick guide to knowing the differences and helping you identify your type and degree of hair thinning.

Norwood Scale of Male Pattern Hair Loss

male pattern baldness

The Norwood Men’s Hair Loss Chart can help you visualize and determine the stage of male pattern baldness (Androgenic Alopecia) you are experiencing. Depending on your specific level of hair loss and age, a variety of solutions are available, including hair transplant surgery, laser hair loss treatment therapy, and Enhanced Hair Therapy (EHT).

  • Norwood 1: Early and light hair loss in front of hairline.
  • Norwood 2: Light to complete hair loss in front fifth of scalp.
  • Norwood 3: The front quarter of the scalp has light to complete hair loss.
  • Norwood 4: Light to complete hair loss in the front third to half of top of head, loss of hair in the front and or back of the scalp. Some light hair growth across mid scalp.
  • Norwood 5: Light to complete loss in front, crown and mid scalp.
  • Norwood 6: The front, crown, scalp and upper occipital region of the back of the head have moderate to extensive hair loss.

If you would like more information regarding hair restoration or hair loss treatment options, we encourage you to contact our McLean, Virginia clinic today and talk to a Grow Your Hair Back™ hair restoration specialist. A free complimentary hair loss evaluation and consultation is always available to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect hair loss solution for you.

Ludwig Scale of Female Pattern Hair Loss

female hair loss

The Ludwig Female Hair Loss Chart can help you visualize how much hair you have and your degree of female pattern hair loss and thinning. Depending on your specific level of hair loss and age, a variety of solutions are available, including hair transplant surgery, laser hair loss treatment therapy, and Enhanced Hair Therapy (EHT).

  • Category 1: Dispersed light-thinning throughout the top of the scalp can be characterized by having light-transparency through the hair to the point that the scalp begins to be seen.
  • Category 2: Moderate thinning throughout the top of scalp usually characterized by some more transparency through the hair with the scalp showing.
  • Category 3: Advanced thinning throughout the top of scalp usually characterized by more scalp than hair showing.
  • Advanced 1: A great deal of thinning throughout the top and often the sides of the scalp. There is very little hair coverage at this stage.
  • Advanced 2: A great deal of thinning to complete baldness throughout the top of the scalp. Thinning on the sides and occipital regions as well.

If you would like more information regarding hair restoration or hair loss treatment options, we encourage you to contact our McLean, Virginia clinic today and talk to a Grow Your Hair Back™ hair restoration specialist. A free complimentary hair loss evaluation and consultation is always available to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect hair loss solution for you.

Are You Ready to Restore Your Hair and Your Quality of Life?

hair transplant specialist mclean virginiaAre you tired of watching your hair disappear? As the owner of Grow Your Hair Back™ Hair Restoration, I take great pride in the fact that we offer the most advanced hair restoration treatments conceivable.

“Schedule a free consultation today and meet with me either in-person or virtually, and get all your questions answered.”

Kelly-Ann Jackson, Owner
Grow Your Hair Back™ Hair Restoration Clinic

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