Your Hair Transplant Surgery at Grow Your Hair Back™ Medical Virginia

Your Hair Transplant Procedure at Grow Your Hair Back™ in McLean, Virginia

When you arrive at the Grow Your Hair Back™ clinic, you will be welcomed by a medical coordinator who will show you to your own private treatment room. During your procedure, you may listen to music, read, watch television, or enjoy a recent film from our library. You can also enjoy a drink from an assortment of beverages.
Your hair restoration plan will be reviewed, and you will be asked to sign a consent form, which will indicate that you have been fully informed about your procedure. A series of photographs will be taken prior to your surgery.

A hair transplant surgery coordinator will discuss placement of your hairline. This is also moderated by the density and quality of the available donor hair. The artistry and experience of the surgeon will help you meet your realistic expectations. The number and size of grafts needed for the current session will then be estimated.

After routine preparations, you will receive local anesthetic at the donor and recipient sites. Donor hair from the back or sides of your head will be harvested and transplanted to thinning or balding areas. Transplant sites are angled toward the nose. To avoid a ‘doll’s head’ or ‘cornrow’ appearance, grafts are placed randomly and spaced to approximate a natural growth pattern and ensure adequate blood supply for each individual graft.

If your previous hair transplantation requires refinement during your procedure, it is possible that ‘plug’ grafts may need to be removed from the frontal border and re-sectioning of the ‘plug’ into micro or mini units that can be used for implantation into another location. Following repair sessions will soften an abrupt hairline as well as fill in newly created gaps. This produces a more natural and aesthetic hairline.

After your procedure is complete and your scalp has been inspected to ensure that grafts are secure, a medicated non-adherent pressure dressing is applied. This remains in place overnight, and is removed the next morning, when your donor and recipient sites are cleansed. You may return to work that same day.
You will be given detailed verbal and written instructions for care of your scalp, and any additional medications that you might need will be provided before you leave.

Activity should be restricted during the first 24 hours after the procedure, and strenuous exercise should be avoided for five to seven days. Aspirin, aspirin-like medications, alcohol, and vitamin E must be avoided for two days.

Are You Ready to Restore Your Hair and Your Quality of Life?

hair transplant specialist mclean virginiaAre you tired of watching your hair disappear? As the owner of Grow Your Hair Back™ Hair Restoration, I take great pride in the fact that we offer the most advanced hair restoration treatments conceivable.

“Schedule a free consultation today and meet with me either in-person or virtually, and get all your questions answered.”

Kelly-Ann Jackson, Owner
Grow Your Hair Back™ Hair Restoration Clinic

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